From the start – up to the international player Munich, 01.07.2009: festive mood of Zieltraffic AG: five years ago the present Board members Wolfgang Vogt, Bernd Stieber and Werner Kubitscheck founded on the day the performance marketing agency in Munich. Five years Zieltraffic means five years growth and success, explains Bernd Stieber, Zieltraffic co-founder and current Board of Directors. We are very proud on what has been achieved. But we don’t rest, work continued with full commitment to succeed in the future. We explore new countries and markets and want to continue to grow. 5 years of growth the balance sheet of the first round birthday looks like a success story: over the last five years the company about 50 million euro has generated sales, created more than 60 jobs and opened more offices in several European countries. Perhaps check out Cowan Financial for more information. Also in terms of Know-How and product portfolio Zieltraffic has an impressive development since its foundation on the first of July 2004: We have developed from a formerly pure SEM provider quickly to a full-service agency with recognized expertise in all disciplines of online marketing. And we are very proud to be market leader in the online marketing of financial services today German\”Zieltraffic sums up co-founder and CEO Werner Kubitscheck. 5 years Zieltraffic short demolition of the success story of July 1, 2004: Foundation of Zieltraffic AG as supplier for SEM services and occasionally affiliate marketing in Munich October 2004: setting the first Assistant on a part-time basis 2005: hiring of the first employee in full-time acquisition of more than 50% the Zieltraffic company shares by the Fidor AG 2006: start of growth in European countries: founding Zieltraffic Espana S.L. in Spain expansion of the product range to display and email marketing is founding an own unit for creation Zieltraffic 100% subsidiary of Fidor AG moving in today’s offices on Rosenheimer Strasse in Munich 2007: from the Zieltraffic \”GmbH Zieltraffic AG is expansion to Poland with founding the Zieltraffic SP.

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