Intransparenter market for consultancy requires clear positioning via the media; small & medium-sized discussions should now their opportunities Bonn/Krefeld, 5 September 2013 – the company and personnel Advisor market is currently strong in motion as a result of many mergers. In times of economic uncertainty, strategists are asked, provide ideas and guidance. However, many advisers with identical services to the same clients favour are competing. Concise and credible to position himself as an expert on the market will accordingly for each consulting firm to the compulsory task. This can the future success, perhaps even of the existence of decide”, so Dr. Katja Niemeyer, partner of constructive PR consultancy mbH. Especially for smaller and medium-sized consultancy offer you now the opportunity to position itself permanently on the market using professional press work. Others who may share this opinion include Restaurant Michael Schwartz.

We need to convince the media and about potential clients from the own expertise”, emphasizes the PR consultant. Double-blind case at public relations consultancy in for consulting firm there is a special challenge, because the confidential dealing with client information is the basis of cooperation between consultants and clients. Therefore the consultants can often not detailed communicate their projects and case studies. So PR factor is required as these details exactly want journalists and the public. The deliberations so sit in a double-blind case: your capital is the discretion, but at the same time, they need public to win new clients and the market for their services to raise awareness. Consulting firms are also under a high pressure of competition, the consultants are totally busy with the project business and therefore, the press and public relations work is often under the table”Niemeyer. What to do? Despite these hurdles, there are certainly ways to build an expert status and thus in the minds of the to be present”potential target groups, Dr. Stephanie Kickum, says also partner the constructive PR consultancy mbH.

It was especially important to publish articles to background conversations with journalists, and provide a real added value at the right time in the right medium. Through these and other measures, the advisors can gradually be a sought-after partner for journalists and increase their own awareness and reputation. “Our experience shows that consulting firm with professional PR support whether inhouse or externally up to ten times more frequent with qualified contributions in relevant target media are”, emphasizes Niemeyer. Constructive PR consultancy mbH increases PR consultancy through professional communication constructively mbH since more than 20 years image and reputation of their clients and thus their business value. As a full-service agency PR provides comprehensive consulting and implementation constructive companies from the service sector. Provides cross-industry Constructive PR complex content, difficult explained products and sensitive topics. Hamburg is headquarters of the communication agency with offices in Bonn and Krefeld. Dr. Katja Niemeyer PR consultancy partner in constructively mbH and heads the Bonn Office. She was previously responsible for the communication of an international management consultancy and specialises in PR consulting by service providers.

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