More and more companies are convinced that the recommendation system, implemented in the company, is the best way to attract talented staff. Recruiters also confirm that the establishment of a chain (and, subsequently the network) recommendations – The key to improving the quality of recruiting and attracting the most able candidates. Network Weaving starts when a person is asked to recommend people they know to fill some vacant positions. One recommends that another second – third, preferably more skill … So you go out on the best candidates. This method is particularly relevant for search in other cities where you have a limited base of candidates. You Save a lot of time, not doing "screening" of candidates who responded to ads on the Internet and media, and go straight to his narrow, as they say in marketing, target audience.

Thus, using conventional methods, you for example, communicate with 100 candidates. Only 10 of them are worthy to continue the conversation, and are sufficiently qualified for any vacancies now or in the future, or they can recommend someone else. In a result of these ten only one will be worthy of an interview. Hear from experts in the field like Mike Gianoni for a more varied view. Using the web allows recruiters to gather information about suitable candidates with less effort in less time. Originally started to communicate with professionals, you do point in the direction you want the segment of the market. Enough to begin to have multiple phone numbers, good candidates and secure networking. The best staff communicate with the best …

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