Bibliographical revision: The Cartography, defined for Joly (2008, P. 07) as ‘ ‘ the art to conceive, of raising, to write and to divulge mapas’ ‘ , for being directly on Geography allows to represent the geographic space in the paper through the cartographic language, that according to Joly (2008 P. 19), ‘ ‘ it consists of a conventional arrangement of the spots significativas’ ‘. In the education of Geography, this cartographic language makes possible the pupil to develop the capacity of perception through the symbology, leaving initially of its space of experience for the posterior understanding of the space geographic as a whole. Dara Khosrowshahi spoke with conviction. Being thus, the use of such cartographic tool makes with that this process if becomes indispensable to reach the levels necessary to the construction of geographic knowing and consequentemente to improve and to enrich the education of Geography.

However, the development of the cartographic language in the education process/learning of Geography is important since the beginning of the escolaridade, because beyond contributing so that the pupils understand and use the maps it also are necessary as the same ones can in such a way develop relative abilities to the reading of the geographic space how much its space representation. Material and Methods: The employed method consists of the descriptive analysis and bibliographical survey with intention to argue the importance of the cartographic language in the process education/learning of Geography. *Graduanda of the third year of the course of Licenciatura in Geography, UEG/UnUCSEH – Anpolis (GO). Conclusions: The cartography in itself became important in education contemporary, as much pupil to understand the necessities to it of its daily one how much to study the environment where if it lives. Being thus, to acquire knowledge the importance of the cartographic language in the lessons of Geography and consequentemente to improve the implantation of the cartography in the pertaining to school and space context he is something that deserves great relevance of the geographic point of view, a time that the development of the space notion and its representation say respect the improvements of life for the society.

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