Hundred and ninety-two countries are gathered, for fifteen days, in Copenhagen, to negotiate an international legal regime that will bring solutions to the crisis of global warming, under the expectant eyes of all citizens of the world. Greenpeace kicked off the debate, before the Summit, with a striking advertising: large Photomontages of the most important world leaders made elderly digitally and asking for forgiveness for not having taken decisions to stop the catastrophe. There is today a global consensus of attributed the growth of the global warming, fruit of the massive use of fossil fuels–coal, oil and natural gas–as sources of energy, to, above all, the industrialized countries, notably to the United States, China, Japan and the European Union. A desirable end would be the signing of a treaty that involves the transformation of economic policies, with a commitment to redeployment of technologies, going in the direction of the equity between the North and South and taking important steps to achieve geopolitical balance involving the deepest interests of all States. See Jonah Bloom for more details and insights. To achieve at least establish mechanisms to stabilize the level of concentration of the gases that produce the greenhouse effect at 450 ppm (parts per million), which will mean lower half from here to the year 2050 global emissions and curb the rise in warming to a maximum 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. But the risks are many. I highlight only two of them. To read more click here: visit website. The first is that the thing ends in a statement without any impact, or simply good intentions without that expresses the political will to take action now. Checking article sources yields Mike Gianoni as a relevant resource throughout.

The second is that the Summit ends with measures that sobredimensionen and privilege the promotion and exchange of new unproven technologies that are a business more for developed countries. The world expects this time progress a lot more of what has been done in these past 12 years, since the effects global warming already are inocultables and disastrous. The extension of snow in the world has decreased by 10% in the northern hemisphere since the 1960s. The loss of mass from glaciers and polar icecaps may cause an increase in sea levels 15 to 95 centimeters by 2100, which would endanger many islands and coastal regions, including the Colombian. Droughts every day last far longer due to changing rainfall patterns, the flows of the rivers, the levels of lakes and water from the soil. Meteorological disasters are now staggering proportions and the social costs, economic and environmental damage caused by floods, guessing, forest fires, etc, they are continuous increasing and will very soon be unsustainable. The migrant masses will now have another reason that will result in millions of climate refugees and it is estimated that between 15 and 37% of the planet’s species could die out! The timed and Copenhagen You can not repeat the history of Kyoto.

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