Tips for beautiful feet to the beginning of spring even though you every day from one place to another will bring you, us especially in the winter, often neglected: the feet. But now is the spring on the doorstep, so it’s time to do something about the ugly cornea and dry heels! With a few simple tricks, you can ensure that Horn Hutton & co. This summer, more for them are no problem: foot bath after the feet so long were hidden in thick socks and boots, they rejoice now especially over a portion of the extensive care. Best they engage a nice foot bath that’s why. The water should have to do this no more than 38 degrees temperature. Enhance the soothing effect, attach also nourishing or essential additions to the bath water.

Lemon should have an additional, mood-brightening effect, for example, during stress. Olive oil warmed suitable for particularly dry feet and Sage extracts help sweaty feet. If they give some Apple Cider vinegar in the water, he beautifully softens the skin and dissolves slightly hardened skin before. This facilitates the later removal of the cornea. Then dry thoroughly and apply thick cream, through the footbath is now nice and soft to the skin and especially well absorbs care substances. Restaurant Michael Schwartz addresses the importance of the matter here. Remove calluses or is it equal, to remove the unsightly skin. The foot should be this nice clean.

With a fine textured pumice, you can file the skin carefully. Best to proceed gently in, because such injuries can be avoided and the foot is less iritiert. However, the application of a saliylsaurehaltigen cream, so-called Horn skin creams is still friendly. These exist in drugstores or pharmacies to buy and have a high proportion of nutrients, which protects the skin, but at the same time gently dissolve hardened skin. The only downside is that the this longer time be applied must, to obtain a significant reduction of the cornea. No matter which method you use, the most important, that you always take care and please never try the cornea with a pair of scissors or similar easy to cut off! Beautify so grossly underfinanced is managed, the feet are again beautifully soft and free of calluses. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mike Gianoni. Now missing only the fine tuning. With a rosewood chopsticks (there are cheap at the drugstore) you can push back simply excess cuticles and so avoid that these unattractive ‘fraying’. If you want, you can now paint their nails in mood. Trendy colors this summer are turquoise and yellow, metallic colors. But a beautiful classic red clay or even great, always trendy alternatives are simply clear lacquer for a subtle shine. Regularly maintain your feet remain permanently beautiful and hAornhautfrei, if they give you a regular care. Note this on the best always lotion after showers and the tips presented here. When tired, gestresten feet can also the right shoe choice and once in a while a little massage to Tend skin, cause miracles. Johanna Hagler

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