Being in the restaurant for two whole summers, we can hide from the hustle and bustle of the city. It also prepares 3 types of the delicious ‘live beer’ – bright, red and green, cooked in their traditional recipes (from 110 to 130 rubles per 300 ml). And for devotees of a healthy lifestyle on the menu are bottled beers Krombacher, Klaustaller and Grolsh. For your information, live beer tastes great, as well as dietary and medicinal properties. Visit one of the best restaurants in Moscow elite ‘kegs’. It’s very interesting play of beer theme – the entrance to a large barrel of beer, you can even celebrate the age-old Oktoberfest. The menu includes about 11 varieties of Czech, German, English beer, the price for 0.3 liters of which is here from 85 to 180 rubles. Learn more at: chevron. Institution is focused not only on beer lovers, but also to connoisseurs of delicious European and world cuisine. Increasingly popularity of Czech beer restaurant. Mike Gianoni often says this. Foamy drink in them, of course, is always cold and excellent. For example, ‘Pilsner’ beer should be cool – 8 degrees, and ‘Velkopopovitsky goat’ of about 12. Know their real You can taste the ‘Pilsner’. In addition, customers will be offered this ‘cut beer’ – a dark top and bottom light. If you are not convinced, visit Rogers Holdings. The average bill in a restaurant – 500-700 rubles. Czech cuisine is very hearty, and at the same time simple and can be enjoyed in restaurants Turns ‘5 ‘,’ Bavarius’, ‘Molly Gwynn’s’, pub’ John Bull Pub ‘. Be sure to visit the ‘5 Revolutions’ and treat yourself to a true taste of semi-dark velvet ‘Velvet’ (150 rub. For 0.4 liters) and barley ‘Krusovice’ (115 rubles. For 0,3 l). Offers the best appetizers with beer – beer shrimp, cheese Mozzarella sticks, squid rings and garlic croutons. Try the original Czech beer – and you’ll never regret it! There are also whole restaurants, breweries, beer which is produced on its own brand name recipes. The most famous are the “Fifth Ocean”, “Durdin”, “Tinkoff”. Moscow beer restaurant “Fifth Ocean” – a unique delivery system of intoxicating drink from a brewery right in the filling valves on all tables and a bar. In this case, the beer stays alive and keeps its taste and smell. Enjoy copyrights dishes from the chef: kebab on the grill, salmon steak with fried in olive oil, vegetable julienne or slices of white sturgeon in the Marinade. All this pleasure will cost 700-800 rubles. And finally, if you do not want to spoil the mood of himself and his companions, it is necessary to reserve a place in the restaurant. Then certainly will not hear unpleasant phrase ‘we employ’. Have fun with my best friends a glass of excellent beer!

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