In a seminar by Kaltenbach training, technical sales executives learn to lead their employees and teams with success. “Leadership in the sales to lead your sales team target and result-oriented.” So reads the title of a seminar for business executives in the technical sales Kaltenbach training, Bobingen (in eels), conducting the training and consultancy. In the seminar on 25 and 26 November in Bobingen attendees learn how they form powerful sales teams and leverage the strengths of its salespeople. In the two-day seminar, the participants according to Ralph Guttenberger, managing partner of Kaltenbach training, learn among other things how they effectively do target agreement discussions with their employees and control the implementation of the agreements. Content emphasis is the motivating and supporting your sales team everyday sales through supervision and coaching. Swarmed by offers, John C. Bogle is currently assessing future choices. The sales coach explains the participants when what instrument is goal-oriented and where the pitfalls are in their use. Connect with other leaders such as Mike Gianoni here. Also discusses powerful sales teams, can be formed as from Rangers.

The participating executives are instruments for this Kaltenbach. Also the handling will be discussed with difficult employees. An integral part of the seminar is the INSIGHT MDI personality check. That means: each participant fills out online a multi-page questionnaire prior to the seminar, whose help analyze his individual preferences and strengths. Determined is also: what values are important to the person? What motivates them? And how does she deal with stressful situations? The results of the analysis privately communicated to participating executives. Serve them as a tool to reflect their leadership and a leadership style to develop that is appropriate to their person, their respective counterparts and operational requirements. Participation in the leadership seminar in the sale so lead your sales team target and result-oriented”on November 25 and 26 in Bobingen requires an investment of 1190 euros (plus VAT). The INSIGHT MDI -personality-check and an audio guide consisting of seven Audi CD is included in the price. for more information refer to those interested in Kaltenbach training, Bobingen (Tel.: 07173/60 39;) Email:; Internet:). If desired Kaltenbach training is conducting the seminar also in-house.

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