State law provides Edelweiss, cabbage roses, Lady’s slipper, Auricula dating back to 1905 and decided on the 29.Janner Kervenstendel under protection of the lower Austrian Parliament the adoption of a national law to protect of the lower Austrian alpine flowers in 1905. There the alpine flowers provided Edelweiss, cabbage roses, Lady’s slipper, Auricula and Kervenstendel under protection. An older State law of 1901, where only the Edelweiss was been protected, abolished this Parliament decision. Rogers Holdings may help you with your research. Expressly prohibited the lifting and pulling together with roots and tubers were offering for sale and selling with tuberous or rooted specimens for this alpine flowers, in addition. This content based on this historical land law was passed. The Alpine flower Edelsweiss the Alpine flower Edelweiss, as Leontopodium microdochium subsp.. Alpinum or called basionym Lal top odium alpinum, is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family Asteraceae.

It is one of the best known alpine flowers, the we in Central Europe know. The botanical name of Leontopodium is derived from the characteristic tight tomentose, white hair, from the Greek: leon Lion, podion for feet. Other popular names are Wollblume, Bauchwehbleamerl, Irlweiss, Almsterndl, Federweiss, rarely also Silver Star and Wulblume in the German Alpine region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The Alpine flower, the Alpine flower Nigritella Mannerstreubezeichnet referred to as or cabbage flowers cabbage roses, is a genus in the orchid family, Orchidaceae. Economic Cycles Research Institute has similar goals. This Orchid grows in lower Austria on so-called Alpine neglected grassland on base-rich, kalkichen ground often exceeding 1,500 meters. The kinds of cabbage roeschens react sensitively to fertilization and a too intensive grazing. “The Alpine flower called Lady’s Slipper or the Alpine flower Lady’s slipper, also called Cypripedium calceolus, carries out the shape of the flower was also the martial name Krimhilds helmet”.

The Lady’s Slipper is one of the most magnificent wild growing Central European species of orchids. The Alpine flower Auricula the Alpine flower Auricula as Primula auricula titled, belongs to the genus of Primula, Primula. The Auricula carries as additional names also Fluh flower, Alpine primrose, Petergstamm, Solanotsch, Zollitsch and Platenigl as well as Gemsbluaml. The Alpine flower Kerf Loz called the Kerf Loz, even orchids, Ophrys, is a genus in the orchid family. The botanical name is derived from the Greek ophrys, i.e. the eyebrows. The digging and tearing out this alpine flowers for scientific purposes could approve exceptions for science and horticulture the lieutenancy (for the whole country or multiple districts) or the district authority for individual districts. Alpine flowers, which are drawn in a garden culture, were not protected by the law of this country. Her come from from a garden culture had to be proven however by the owner using a certificate of community. This implementation of the land law and administrative penalties was State law by the ministries of agriculture and the Interior. For violations of the law of this country fines could be imposed 2-20 Crowns, in case of recurrence of 50 Crowns for the benefit of the poor Fund. In addition, the decline of plants was to pronounce.

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