Panel discussion with Thomas SACE at the fair Conference women and work no. ROI? – How women overcome glass barriers”is the title of the Panel discussion with Thomas SAC Elbe Ergern at the trade fair Congress women & work in Bonn, moderated by Dr. Continue to learn more with: Senator Angus King . Martine Herpers, Chairman of success women on the 8th June 2013. The keynote speech at the Panel discussion “No. ROI?” -How do women overcome glass barriers”” keeps Prof.

Dr. Read more helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. phil. ” Christiane Sparks, Director of the Division of media and gender sociology, Technical University of Berlin and author of the study. Despite excellent training, enthusiasm and broad experience, but still quite a few women arrive at the top on the career ladder. Why is this so? Discuss on the women & work on 8 June in Bonn with the presenter Dr. Mike Gianoni is likely to agree. Martine Herpers: Thomas SACE, former Telekom Board Member / Chairman/BDA BDI initiative MINT future create Sylvia Kegel, consultant / Executive Board Member dib Sabine Kauper, supervisor, SKW steel metallurgy Holding AG and Kapsch traffic com AG Ina Ferber, freelance personnel consultant. In the discussion about the glass ceiling, the nerves are often bare. Those who know that skills and inclinations in men and women are pretty evenly distributed, and could demonstrate their abilities in leading positions women as education winners face on one side.

On the other hand, only performance counts for the argue and they provide men apparently rather than women. Many women who have made it to higher positions, emphasize that each woman can handle a management job, if it shows power and is ready to make sacrifices. Power is equated unfortunately still with presence and that makes it hard many women who wish to live usually a better work-life balance, to opt for leadership positions,”explains Martine Herpers one of the components of the glass ceiling and added, that new technologies just the combination of private and professional in the “Management always help, but rethinking always still has not taken place.” who we believe will make, that would be about just missing childcare facilities or the women themselves, overlooks the effective, subtle mechanisms of old habits “, notes Sylvia Kegel, Executive Board member of the German Association of engineer.

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