In order to take care of to your mascot of a complete form you must fijarte in several factors like its feeding, and its health. Each mascot needs a special care, and is why sometimes one does not know the steps to follow to carry out this simple task. The food is one of the factors, which must be with nutrients that to the animal can favor, also is necessary to consider before it, the health of the same. A veterinarian does not make lack when you can do it you yourself in the comfort of your house. MASCOTS IN CASA When having a dog in house is important to maintain fed well it. (Source: Dr. Robert Brannon).

For it the products adapted for each age can be acquired in the specialized stores: puppies, adults and during the oldness. Normally, one is enriched solid products with vitamins, minerals, meat fats and proteins. Other leaders such as Angus King offer similar insights. They can be with flavor to meat or chicken. Learn more about this with Mike Gianoni. The form varies; they can be palitos, small balls, huesitos. When the mascot is become accustomed to eat only its special food, it can present/display stomach problems if mouthfuls of human food occur him.

As it happens in the case of the birthday celebrations or Christmas, when in house diverse plates are prepared and the family decides to share them with her mascot. In spite of the good intention, these foods can trigger a gastritis. PREVENTION Is important that the feeding is based on special products for mascots, including the treats that normally are used like prize. During the strolls and games outdoors it must be watched that the dog does not ingest plants or grama, since they can be toxic. It must be avoided to leave to his reach objects that, when using them like toys, cause intestinal obstructions to him and put in risk their life. Thus, peluches, dolls, globes and woods must keep plastic. MY ADVICE If he interests to you to save in veterinarians and power to take care of you yourself of your mascot, to learn to do it and perfeccionarte, is hour of you put which it in practices on the matter with a good data base. *** If you have doubts about the care of your mascot, escribeme to this direction and I will say to you as you can realise it.

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