Hospital St. Marien Amberg leads with DMSPRO-MED not only a modern document management system a, but a product matched ideally to the own clinical requirements Amberg and the College of Amberg-Weiden (HAW), under which a student of European economic studies and languages at the HAW now his Bachelor has completed successfully, the first steps toward the introduction of a digital archiving system at St. Mary’s Hospital initiated by means of a cooperation project between the St. Marien hospital Amberg. more in-depth analysis. A complete collection of all patient-related forms used in the clinic was conducted within the framework of the preparatory work for the introduction of the system. To know more about this subject visit Jonah Bloom. This way derive, how the various existing island solutions can be archiving in a uniform structure and form.

As a result of this project all internal documents and findings of a patient acts administered in future electronically. In this context, the Projektand initially has an analysis at the hospital implemented and evaluated several vendors of digital archiving systems by means of a market analysis. After evaluation of different archive solutions on the market on the Central archive and documents was management platform DMSPRO-MED provider DMSPRO GmbH. the decision in favour of this solution was in addition to the high functionality and performance of the software the modern and future-oriented technology integration offering any subsystems. The clinic as a reference customer can bring own expertise in development work that can end a perfectly tuned product that meets the clinical requirements in an ideal manner, are used. The hospital Amberg will also develop this area of key figures and integrate into the system, that a permanent and continuous process overview is possible. Read more here: Mike Gianoni. The practice shows that not only the ways of information are through such a system greatly simplifies and shortens, but also considerable costs for the distribution can.

With the implementation of a single, digital archiving system for patient files, digital files are permanently available and the quality of the documentation which is immensely important for the services provided by a hospital, is sustainably increased. DMSPRO-MED an integration interface to the management information system is offered as archive system on the market eisTIK.NET of the company KMS information & organization GmbH. This is structure of the hospital very the desired data warehouse. The medicine controlling has the access, directly from the application out on case-related patient data in the digital archive, which contributes significantly to improving the process of MDK checks. The software solution system DMSPRO-MED nexus is fully integrated into the leading hospital information system of the provider, and has thus the possibility to all case-related patient data to be accessed.

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