Vote in the British House of Commons found under dubious conditions instead of with great horror homeopaths have the publication of the report on homeopathy by the House on Monday of Commons Science and Technology Committee included. With a very short deadline of only 17(!!) Days of the Committee asked for input on the topics of licensing of homeopathic medicinal products by the national health service (NHS) funded research projects and the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines and treatments. The ECCH (European Council for classical homeopathy) has, like many other (homeopathic) associations, patient associations, private individuals and drug manufacturers submitted a detailed opinion on these issues. All entries can be viewed here be ../homeopathy /… Unfortunately left the hearing at various points to be desired.

The announcement of the hearing was insufficient and the deadline for entering with 17 days definitely too short selection process Skeptics was of those who were allowed to participate in the hearing, non-transparent and homeopathy opponents were at the hearing clearly outnumbered patient representatives were not invited at all homeopathic associations representatives were not invited, although was judged the hearing about this in the hearing focused mainly on randomized double-blind trials and meta-analyses and dealt in any form with data on the effectiveness and efficiency, that are available from two British hospitals and a pilot study in Northern Ireland. Read more here: Nouriel Roubini. Overall is not as neutral or objective to refer to this hearing. You are more like a game fix in advance. Accordingly, the results reflect a very distorted picture. Click Mike Gianoni to learn more. In its report, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee concluded that the NHS should no longer Fund homeopathy.

As homeopathic medicines should be no longer allowed by the British authorities for medicines, because here not provable claims arising in relation to the effectiveness. The Committee claimed a discrepancy between the efficacy and the current state policy, which although speaks to no efficacy beyond a placebo effect of homeopathy, but still maintains that the integration of homeopathy in the NHS. “The British Government should reconsider its position, because the effect of a homeopathic remedy is based only on a placebo effect and the application in the sense of an informed patient” was unethical. In the research, no more money should go, since allegedly clearly proved the ineffectiveness of homeopathy. The Committee has ignored not only the simplest rules of homeopathy, but disregarded basic findings of medical research. Not even used on the outskirts were clinical case studies, maybe just because it is known that these are best suited for the study of complementary medical procedures. The study situation in the practical application of research is very for homeopathy encouraging. This positive image reflects the patient experience in England up to the Queen Mum”, and is an essential basis for the continued existence of homeopathy for over 200 years. It will be anxiously awaiting the Government’s response.

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