Bach flower treatment in Hamburg by Ute Rosenberg Knau the Bach flower dissatisfaction and even frustration ROCK WATER Aqua petra (spring water) keywords to high standards; Feelings of constant dissatisfaction with his own achievements (self-denial; Inflexibility; Self disappointment; Self discipline) group excessive engagement for other ‘ROCK-WATER types’ in their way of life are very hard against itself; Let ‘dictate their way of life by their own convictions’. Arrangements objectives / requirements (excessive conscientiousness) and eisere self discipline are the naturalness of ‘ ROCK WATERS’. Stress, lack of sleep, stress, fatigue and ‘mental rigidity’ can be the result. For even more details, read what Restaurant Michael Schwartz says on the issue. Sufferers of ‘can’ give these or similar words: “I run every day at this time – whatever the weather. Finally, there is only inappropriate clothing.”*”Never I drink anything other than water.”*”I do this for years. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mike Gianoni.

Why would I do that change. I’m very proud of it. * “Only those who work hard, achieved something. Waiver belongs to my life principle.”*”you should always as good example go ahead. Targets that you put up, should be adhered to in all consequence and at any time. This includes just an iron discipline, sacrifice and renunciation.”* see note effect of taking taking succeeds ‘ROCK WATER’ ‘To pressure relieve’.

These people will never raise their ambitious goals overboard. This is not deliberate. However the knowledge obtained with the capture of this essence that a righteous way of life and the enjoyment of simple pleasures do not necessarily exclude each other. It is January, the first month of the new year has dawned, the good intentions for the year 2011. May you too high goals for the new year are infected? You fail to much to enforce your sports and eating plans with violence? You have never thrown to strict work plans / procedures / requirements, be? Waive some joy and pleasure, because you are convinced that this could harm your work / yourself / themselves? You want to go ahead with your fellow human beings always as a good example, work hard and you are even the strongest critics? Then is time for taking ‘ROCK WATER’. Reserves by taking ‘ROCK WATER’ the high ideals (that he should anyway) and at the same time spiritually ‘flexibility’. ‘ROCK WATER’ with the insight that ‘harmony’ is an important step towards the lost zest for life. More important, from outside ‘practices crowded up dictated’, at any price. Under no circumstances should take your good intentions or ideals overboard, but not at the expense of the small pleasures of daily life. For the year 2011 good luck and good luck! Your naturopath * Note: only the feelings be taken into account in the Bach floral treatment. It isn’t so about words. To better classify the flowers, I got mine allows to use me this example sentences. In a good consultation the practitioner will explain exactly the corresponding essences. Also OAK (Bach flower of the month of December) works hard, diligently and conscientiously. Please differentiate between the individual essences very closely, because only the correctly selected mixture can also help.

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